name: alynn / orbee / pixel
age: 30 years old
pronouns: he / him
identity: nonbinary butch lesbian
other: TME* / white / big fat / multiply disabled
general interests: OCs*,
TTRPGs*, roleplaying, art, writing, animals, and video gaymes!
specific interests: insects, arachnids, reptiles, amphibians, splatoon, stardew valley,
the when they cry series*, harvest moon, sonic the hedgehog, animal crossing,
pokemon*, revolutionary girl utena, fallout, persona, dungeon meshi, neopets and much much more! those are just the highlights.
that's pretty much it for me!!! but if ur interested in following me on social media, there's a few more things to note.....
1.20+ followers only pls!!! i softblock followers under this age or those w/ no age indicators on their page
2. i am disabled & struggle w/ chronic fatigue so i can be rly slow getting back to people. i promise that its not you!!!!
okay that's basically it. thanks for reading!! ^___^