about the beast

note: anything marked with an asterisk* has hover text!
> name: alynn / orbee / pixel
> age: 29 years old
> identity: nonbinary butch lesbian
> pronouns: he / him only
> other: white / disabled / TME*
> general interests: OCs*, TTRPGs*, roleplaying, art, writing, animals, and video gaymes!
> specific interests: insects, arachnids, reptiles, amphibians, splatoon, stardew valley, the when they cry series*, harvest moon, the sonic the hedgehog series, animal crossing, pokemon, minecraft, fallout, and many more!

that's pretty much it for me!!! but if ur interested in following me on social media, there's a few more things to note.....

1. 20+ followers only pls! im in my late 20's and my blogs are personal spaces.
2. i am disabled & struggle w/ chronic fatigue, so if im slow getting back 2 u thats why!
3. i am a Certified Stoner™. i also keep bugs & post pics of em sometimes. im usually p good at tagging everything but just 4 ur info.

okay that's seriously all. thanks for reading!

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